より vs. による/により/によって vs. によれば/によると
From my point of view, より is a rather complex word. You will make mistakes if you don't sort them out in the learning process.
より: https://grammar.livinginjapanasaforeigner.com/2022/10/7-usages-of-1-article-to-understand.html
による・により・によって: https://grammar.livinginjapanasaforeigner.com/2022/10/jlpt-n3-grammar.html
によれば・によると: https://comparing.livinginjapanasaforeigner.com/2022/10/vs-whats-difference.html
The most critical Grammer I want to mention is 「人によって+Passive verb」.
〇〇によって建てられた。It was built by 〇〇.
〇〇によって作らっれた。It was made by 〇〇.
In fact, it is often used to refer to specific characters in the design and creation of works and buildings.
It is mainly used to refer to the creators of some works or the initiators of some GREAT achievements.
I have written it into the blog mentioned above. You can check this through the second link.
Example Sentence:
ノイシュヴァンシュタイン城は、ルートヴィヒ2世によって建てられた。The castle was built by Ludwig II.
If I cut out the red marked part in the sentence and asked you to fill in the Japanese particles, what would you fill in? に or が? Sorry, it's all wrong.
When you see the word "建てられた," you should know that によって is used here. This is a fixed usage.
I want to mention this today because it is a problem that every Japanese speaker must experience. You may feel confused. But these grammars are very common in daily life.
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