What is "住民票"? - About "residence certificate" in details


Q: What is "住民票" in Japan?

A: "住民票" means the certificate of residence. It records the citizen's whereabouts and residence changes, which should be registered 14 days before or after moving into the new address. In principle, "住民票" is written according to the registration items on the residence card.

Before 2012, only Japanese people applied for "住民票," but after July 12, international students can also apply. Still, they also need not do it. Because, in general, it is more beneficial to keep a residence card or a passport

AND Please note that what you actually get is only a copy of the actual Residence Certificate. We also called the copied paper "住民票";

Q: Why do you need it?

A: Suppose you are doing significant business in Japan, such as taking a driver's license test, taking a job, or changing careers. In that case, you must apply for it and then hand it over to the office to prove your legal identity. 

Inviting relatives or friends to visit you in Japan may also require you to have a "住民票." If necessary, just go to the city or district service center to issue it; this "住民票" changes with the address. That is, as long as you move, you need to change the address of the "住民票," and this registration is not an application to the government, nor does it require its approval. It's just a way to record where you go and live.

Q: It includes what details?

A: Usually, the residence certificate will only mainly record the name, date of birth, gender, address, etc. However, foreign nationals will be registered their nationality, qualifications to stay, and so on.

Q: Where can I get it?

A: Residence certificates can be obtained at the city, ward, town, or village officesBut you can also get it  in a convenience store if you have applied "マイナンバーカード."

Some service centers provide wide-area-delivery services. As long as a place of service offers this service, even if the location of service is not in the area where you live, you can still obtain a Residence certificate.

Q: What do I need to take to get the Residence certificate?


Required items

One of the following

certificate documents with photos issued by government agencies such as driver's license, personal number card, resident basic bank passbook, or residence card.

health insurance certificate, nursing insurance certificate, or other supporting documents issued by government agencies

Handling charge (300 yen for one copy)

About マイナンバーカード

"マイナンバーカード" is "My Number Card." We also called it a personal number card. Whatever, My Number Card is a card that contains a person's unique number (my number) and photo ID.

You can check this web page:


If you have a "My Number card," you can get Residence certificates in any convenience store, any time.

Although towns and villages in various urban areas are slightly different, most can be used between 6:30 and 23:00.

The service center is only open on weekdays and during the daytime, and most people are hard to find time to go because of work or school. However, as long as they hold a "My Number card," they can obtain resident tickets within a few minutes before or after commuting to school, which is very convenient.

In addition, the validity period of the "my number card" of foreign nationals is the length of time they can live in Japan at the time of issuance. You must pay attention to the renewal of "my number card."


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